How does the uwsgi spooler work?
each spooler is a different process aimed at running tasks enqueued in the form of files in a directory (the spool directory). Multiple spooler processes (per uWSGI-instance) can sit on the same spool dir to parallelize task-groups and multiple spooldirs can be configured (to have different task groups)
The spooler approach is very low-level, but requires zero-maintainance (and eventually removing tasks is a matter of rm'ing a file) and it is really solid.
The only alternative (and very probably the most used one) in the python world i am aware of is celery
otherwise you can rely on the venerable redis + daemon thread approach, where a python thread consumes tasks enqueued in redis. Eventually you can use a uWSGI mule (it is like a worker but without external access) instead of a thread to consume tasks.