How is a VHDL variable synthesized by synthesis tools
I would distinguish three possibilities:
A VHDL variable has no hardware representation at all. Assume the following example
signal a,b,c : integer; ... process ( clk ) is variable var : integer := 0; begin if ( rising_edge(clk) ) then var := a + b; c <= var; end if; end process;
The variable
is not really synthesized as combinatorial logic at all (assuming this is what was meant in the question). It's rather the right hand side of the assignmenta + b
that is synthesized into hardware. Strictly speaking a variable never is synthesized into combinatorial logic.A variable merely holds an intermediate result, which is either evaluated in the same clock cycle -> no hardware synthesized ( this is 1) again ), or is evaluated in the following clock cycle -> a flipflop is synthezised.
One of those dreaded latches is inferred in such cases where conditional branches exist in which the variable is assigned neither a new value (depending on some signals) nor a default value. Usually this case happens unintended :-)
If you use the value in a variable before you store it, you get the value that was stored last time the process stored it (in a clocked process, the value from a previous clock cycle). That is synthesised as a register or FF.
Of course, in the first clock cycle you get garbage, unless you initialised the variable in a reset clause.