How is TabItem used when placed in the layout XML?

Quick addition to @Mikes very helpful answer:

Android Studio now has a Template on how to use a TabLayout with TabItem setup in an XML layout. Create all needed files with "New > Activity > Tabbed Activity" and choose "Action Bar Tabs(with ViewPager)" as shown in the screenshot:

Configure Tabbed Activity Template in Android Studio

If you want to adjust the look of the TabItem without a custom view: use white vector assets as tab android:icon and tint them with a selector (providing different colors based on android:state_selected)

The color of the line under the currently selected tab is set as app:tabIndicatorColor on tag TabLayout.

It took me a while to get it to work, so the complete steps turned into such a long answer that I don't want to copy them here. You can find my more detailed answer with full code at:

This appears to be a relatively recent addition to the design library, apparently added in version 23.2.0, though it's not mentioned in the revision history. It's functionality is pretty basic, and the only attributes it seems to use are the three given in its docs: text, icon, and layout.

From testing, it seems it's basically an XML shortcut for creating a new Tab, and setting its text, icon, and custom View, as one would usually do in code. When it says "This view is not actually added to TabLayout", I believe it's meant to suggest that it's not a View in the regular sense, in that you can't set any kind of standard layout attribute on it, like layout_width or background. It simply serves to cause the TabLayout to create a new Tab for each TabItem, and call setText(), setIcon(), and setCustomView() accordingly.

For example, to add a Tab in code, we would usually do something like this:

TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) findViewById(;

// Add Tab
TabLayout.Tab tab = tabLayout.newTab();

tab.setText("Tab 1");


Whereas now we can replace everything after the comment above by adding a TabItem in the layout.


        android:text="Tab 1"
        android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" />


Do note that the same requirements for the custom View layout still apply. That is, the TextView for the text must have the system Resource ID @android:id/text1, and the ImageView for the icon must have the ID @android:id/icon. As an example, the from above:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

    <ImageView android:id="@android:id/icon"
        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

    <TextView android:id="@android:id/text1"
        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
