How many $p$-regular graphs with $n$ vertices are there?

McKay and Wormald conjectured that the number of simple $d$-regular graphs of order $n$ is asymptotically $$\sqrt 2 e^{1/4} (\lambda^\lambda(1-\lambda)^{1-\lambda})^{\binom n2}\binom{n-1}{d}^n,$$ where $\lambda=d/(n-1)$ and $d=d(n)$ is any integer function of $n$ with $1\le d\le n-2$ and $dn$ even.

Bender and Canfield, and independently Wormald, proved this for bounded $d$ in 1978, and Bollobás extended this to $d=O(\sqrt{\log n})$ in 1980.

McKay and Wormald proved the conjecture in 1990-1991 for $\min\{d,n-d\}=o(n^{1/2})$ [1], and $\min\{d,n-d\}>cn/\log n$ for constant $c>2/3$ [2]. These remain the best results.

The gap between these ranges remains unproved, though the computer says the conjecture is surely true there too. The formula apart from the $\sqrt2e^{1/4}$ has a simple combinatorial interpretation, and the universality of the constant $\sqrt2e^{1/4}$ is an enigma crying out for an explanation.

Incidentally this conjecture is for labelled regular graphs. For isomorphism classes, divide by $n!$ for $3\le d\le n-4$, since in that range almost all regular graphs have trivial automorphism groups (references on request). For $d=0,1,2,n-3,n-2,n-1$, this isn't true.

[1] Combinatorica, 11 (1991) 369-382.

[2] European J. Combin., 11 (1990) 565-580.

ADDED in 2018: The "gap between those ranges" mentioned above was filled by Anita Liebenau and Nick Wormald [3]. Another proof, by Mikhail Isaev and myself, is not ready for distribution yet.


There is no closed formula (that anyone knows of), but there are asymptotic results, due to Bollobas, see A probabilistic proof of an asymptotic formula for the number of labelled regular graphs (1980) by B Bollobás (European Journal of Combinatorics) or Random Graphs (by the selfsame Bollobas).

Looking up OEIS, some related sequences are A005176 for the number of non-isomorphic regular graphs on $n$ vertices, and A005177 for the number non-isomorphic connected regular graphs on $n$ vertices.