How many Sudoku puzzles are there with at least one solution?
Due to Felgenhaur and Jarvis
(see their paper here:
and Fangying, Mengshi, and Aslasksen
(see their paper here:
we know that the total possible number of legal 9x9 Sudoku enumerations is $N_{\text{enumerable}}=6670903752021072936960$.
I will provide an upper bound to the number of puzzles with at least one solution solution, $N_{\text{solvable}}$.
Summing up the number of ways we can replace $n$ squares on a given enumerated grid with $0$'s, and then multiplying by the number of legal grids gives
This is only an upper bound because it will certainly be an over-count (this is easy to see), so I welcome any refinements to this upper bound as edits below my post.