How return the type of a System.__COMObject in System.Type in C#

I did not use reflection as I wished, but it is working pretty fine.

foreach(PropertyDescriptor descrip in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(COMObject))
    if(descrip.Name == "Attribute Name")
        foreach(PropertyDescriptor descrip2 in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(descrip))
           if(descrip2.Name == "sub attribute Name")

This code returns the name of the attributes, for example, imagine that my COMObject has this attributes:

int age;
string name;
Son Phill;

and Son has:

int age;
string name;

In the first loop, the descrip.Name will be "age", "name" and "Phill", and in the second (suppose that the condition returns true for "Son"), "age" and "name".