How should I deal with KiCAD Electrical Rule Check warnings?

Check that you have a "power output" pin driving the +5V net.

These errors typically occur when all that is connected to a power net are "power input" pins of various components, but there's nothing feeding power to the net. There needs to be either a "power output" pin (of a regulator or DC/DC or something), or a PWR_FLAG component connected to the net to mark that the power comes from an external source (such as a connector).

The EEschema manual says:

It is common to have an error or a warning on power pins, even though all seems normal. See example above. This happens because, in most designs, the power is provided by connectors that are not power sources (like regulator output, which is declared as Power out).

The ERC thus won’t detect any Power out pin to control this wire and will declare them not driven by a power source.

To avoid this warning you have to place a "PWR_FLAG" on such a power port. Take a look at the following example:

EEschema power flags example

The error marker will then disappear.

Most of the time, a PWR_FLAG must be connected to GND, because regulators have outputs declared as power out, but ground pins are never power out (the normal attribute is power in), so grounds never appear connected to a power source without a power flag symbol.

  • I don't think KiCad is full of bugs (anymore).
  • It does lack the ability to waive violations individually. I believe this might be introduced in V6.
  • Not connected pins should always be marked as such. Use the Place no connection flag tool (looks like an X), keyboard shortcut is q.
  • You can change which errors are reported for each pin type. In the ERC tool, go to Options. There will be a matrix showing what connection types will give No error, Warning, or Error. (shown below).

enter image description here

