How should I document a Lua API/object model written in C++ code?
I have found a solution, which, while not ideal, works pretty well. I cobbled together a Perl script which rips through all the Bitfighter source code and produces a second set of "fake" source that contains only the elements I want. I can then run this secondary source through Doxygen and get a result that is 95% of what I'm looking for.
I'm declaring victory.
One advantage of this approach is that I can document the code in a "natural" way, and don't need to worry about marking what's in and what's out. The script is smart enough to figure it out from the code structure.
If anyone is interested, the Perl script is available in the Bitfighter source archive at It is only about 80% complete, and is missing a few very important items (such as properly displaying function args), but the structure is there, and I am satisfied the process will work. The script will improve with time.
The (very preliminary) results of the process can be seen at The templates have hardly been modified, so it has a very "stock" look, but it shows that things more-or-less work.
Since some commenters have suggested that it is impossible to generate good documentation with Doxygen, I should note that almost none of our inline docs have been added yet. To get a sense of what they will look like, see the Teleporter class. It's not super good, but I think it does refute the notion that Doxygen always produces useless docs.
My major regret at this point is that my solution is really a one-off and does not address what I think is a growing need in the community. Perhaps at some point we'll standardize on a way of merging C++ and Lua and the task of creating a generalized documentation tool will be more manageable.
PS You can see what the markup in the original source files looks like... see, and search for @luaclass
Exclude either by namespace (could be class as well) of your C++ code, but not the lua code
EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS = myhier_cpp::*
in the doxygen config file or cherry pick what to exclude by using
/// @cond
class aaa {
/// @endcond
in your c++ code.
I personally think that separating by namespace is better since it reflects the separation in code + documentation, which leads to a namespace based scheme for separation of pure c++ from lua bindings.
Separating via exclusion is probably the most targeted approach but that would involve an extra tool to parse the code, mark up relevant lua parts and add the exclusion to the code. (Additionally you could also render special info like graphs separately with this markup and add them via an Image to your documentation, at least that's easy to do with Doxygen.). Since there has to be some kind of indication of lua code, the markup is probably not too difficult to derive.