How should I handle "No internet connection" with Retrofit on Android
Since retrofit 1.8.0
this has been deprecated
you have to use
if (retrofitError.getKind() == RetrofitError.Kind.NETWORK)
there are multiple types of errors you can handle:
An IOException occurred while communicating to the server, e.g. Timeout, No connection, etc...
An exception was thrown while (de)serializing a body.
A non-200 HTTP status code was received from the server e.g. 502, 503, etc...
An internal error occurred while attempting to execute a request. It is best practice to re-throw this exception so your application crashes.
What I ended up doing is creating a custom Retrofit client that checks for connectivity before executing a request and throws an exception.
public class ConnectivityAwareUrlClient implements Client {
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConnectivityAwareUrlClient.class);
public ConnectivityAwareUrlClient(Client wrappedClient, NetworkConnectivityManager ncm) {
this.wrappedClient = wrappedClient;
this.ncm = ncm;
Client wrappedClient;
private NetworkConnectivityManager ncm;
public Response execute(Request request) throws IOException {
if (!ncm.isConnected()) {
log.debug("No connectivity %s ", request);
throw new NoConnectivityException("No connectivity");
return wrappedClient.execute(request);
and then use it when configuring RestAdapter
.setClient(new ConnectivityAwareUrlClient(new OkHttpClient(), ...))