How should I reproduce this colorful swirling gif?

Embedded cdf with music version. code at the bottom

For full period, change max t to 200, my gif is cut in half because for some reasons I couldn't upload whole.

f[r_, t_] := Mod[-t (1 - r), 2. Pi];

dr = Pi /100.

          AbsolutePointSize[10 # + 2 + 2 Unitize@Clip[f[#, t] - 5.5, {0, 1}]], 
          Blend[{Blend["Rainbow", #], White}, Clip[f[#, t] - 5.28, {0, 1}]], 
          Point[# {Cos@f[#, t], Sin@f[#, t]}]} &@i,
         {i, 1 - dr, 0, -dr}],
    White, Line[{{0, 0}, {2, 0}}]}, 
   PlotRange -> 1.1, Background -> Black, ImageSize -> 300], 
 {t, 0, 100}, AnimationRate -> 5]

enter image description here

more processor consuming but working smoothly - version with music:

As Öskå has noticed, it may not work on Linux.

It is not perfectly optimized, I just wonted to do this now and I hope I will have some time and motivation to improve it one day.

DynamicModule[{t, f, dt, dr, sound, graf},
  Animator[Dynamic[t, (t = #; With[{sel = Select[sound, t - dt <= #[[1]] <= t &]}, 
   If[Length[sel] != 0, EmitSound@Sound[SoundNote@sel[[1, 2]]]]]) &],
   {0, 200, dt}, AnimationRunning->False, AnimationRate->4, DisplayAllSteps->True]
 Initialization :> (
   dt = .2;
   f[r_, t_] := Mod[-t (1 - r), 2 Pi];
   t = 0;
   dr = Pi /100;
   graf = Graphics[{
      Dynamic@Table[With[{fi = f[i, t]},
          AbsolutePointSize[5 i + 2 + If[fi > 6., 3, 0]], 
          Blend[{Blend["Rainbow", i], White}, Clip[fi - 5.5, {0, 1}]],
          Point[i {Cos@fi, Sin@fi}]}],
        {i, 1 - dr, 0, -dr}],
      White, Line[{{0, 0}, {2, 0}}]},
     PlotRange -> 1.1, Background -> Black, ImageSize -> 300];
   sound = Composition[
      SortBy[#, First] &,
      {#[[1, 2]], #[[;; , 1]]} & /@ # &,
      GatherBy[#, #[[2]] &] &,
      Flatten[#, 1] &
      Thread[{(-i + 1)/dr, Range[0, 200, #] &@(2 Pi/(1 - i))}], {i, 
       1 - dr, 0, -dr}];

Well this is my try, I could work a little bit on the color yet, but I'm pretty happy with it right-now:

    Table[RGBColor[Sqrt[1-r^2], r Sin[θ],r Cos[θ]], {r,0.01,1,0.02}],
    Table[Disk[{r Cos[-2(1-r)θ], r Sin[-2(1-r)θ]},r/60], {r,0.01,1,0.02}]}],
 PlotRange->{{-1,1},{-1,1}}, ImageSize->1000],

enter image description here