How should Vue filters be bound using typescript?

For adding the filter globally, I did something as following

// in customFilter.ts file

import Vue from 'vue';

const testFilter = Vue.filter(
  'filterName', () => {
    // filter fn
export default testFilter;

and include this in main.ts

import testFilter from '@/customFilter.ts'

new Vue({
  filters: {

I register global filters like this:

Inside plugins/filters.ts:

import { VueConstructor } from 'vue/types/umd'

export default {
  install (Vue: VueConstructor) {
    Vue.filter('someFormatFunc1', function someFormatFunc1(value) {
      // Your formatting function
    Vue.filter('someFormatFunc2', function someFormatFunc2(value) {
      // Your formatting function

Then inside main.ts:

import filters from './plugins/filters'

I'm using a library called vue-property-decorator where you can do something like:

import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'

  name: 'ComponentName',
  filters: {
    filterName(value: any) {
      return 'Hello filter'
export default class ComponentName extends Vue {
  textToFormat = 'Hello world'

Then to apply the filter:

<p>{{ textToFormat | filterName }}</p>

Happy coding!