how to access a property of an object in javascript code example
Example 1: js obj
var obj = {my:"sql", nice:[69, 420]}; //returns the string "sql"
obj.nice //returns the array [69, 420]
Example 2: how to a property from a JavaScript object
delete myObject.regex;
// or,
delete myObject['regex'];
// or,
var prop = "regex";
delete myObject[prop];
/** Demo */
var myObject = {
"ircEvent": "PRIVMSG",
"method": "newURI",
"regex": "^http://.*"
delete myObject.regex;
Example 3: javascript object string property
// Also useful for dynamic strings, e.g. `thing-${variable}`
myObject['thing'] = true;
Example 4: objects in javascript
let name = {
name1: 'mark'