How to access Vuex module getters and mutations?

In Addition to the accepted answer I wanna provide you with a workarround for the getter which is missing in the answer.

Debug the Store
In any case you can call console.log(this.$store) to debug the Store.
If you do so you will see the getters are prefixed with the namespace in their name. enter image description here

Access namespaced getter


Dispatch namespaced


Dispatch namespaced with params


The key is to handle the namespace like a file System like Justin explained.

Edit: found a nice library for handling vuex Store
In addition to the basic knowledge I'd like to add this vuex library as a nice addition for working effectivly and fast with the vuex store. .
It looks pretty interesting and cares much of the configuration for you and also allows you to handle 2waybinding directly with vuex.

** Edit: Thanks to the other Answers. Added Dispatching method with params for wholeness.

In your example it would be store.dispatch('products/clearWorkingData') you can think of actions/mutations as a file system in a way. The deeper the modules are nested the deeper in the tree they are.

so you could go store.commit('first/second/third/method') if you had a tree that was three levels deep.

As another addition to the accepted answer, if you need to pass parameter(s) to the getter (for instance to fetch a specific item from the store collection), you need to pass it as follows:


I don't think I like this notation very much, but it is what it is - at least for the moment.


