How to add a new hugo static page?

Just tested OK with this on Hugo 0.13:

hugo new site my-site
cd my-site
hugo new
hugo server -w -D
curl -L localhost:1313/privacy/

Note: You have to either use a theme or provide your own layout template to get something more than a blank page. And of course, some Markdown in would also make it even nicer.

See for up-to-date documentation.

This is the best tutorial how to create static "landing pages" on Hugo:

Basically, you create .md in /content/ with type: "page" in front matter, then create custom layout for it, for example layout: "simple-static" in front matter, then create the layout template in themes/<name>/layouts/page/, for example, simple-static.html. Then, use all partials as usual, and call content from original .md file using {{ .Content }}.

All my static (landing) pages are using this method.

By the way, I'm not using hugo new, I just clone .md file or copy a template into /content/ and open it using my iA Writer text editor. But I'm not using Hugo server either, adapted npm-build-boilerplate is running the server and builds.

I had a similar requirement, to add static page (aboutus in this case). Following steps did the trick,

  • Created an empty file content/aboutus/
  • Created aboutus.html page layouts/section/aboutus.html

