How to add a small rounded rectangle around a word inline
Yes, it is possible with TikZ
. You can do this in two ways:
- by including the code directly in the text.
- by creating a LaTeX command named
which contains theTikZ
Here is an example of two possibilities that have different parameters in order to visually show their effects.
\newcommand{\autour}[1]{\tikz[baseline=(X.base)]\node [draw=red,fill=gray!40,semithick,rectangle,inner sep=2pt, rounded corners=3pt] (X) {#1};}
Quick brown fox \tikz[baseline=(X.base)]\node [draw=black,fill=cyan!20,thick,rectangle,inner sep=3pt, rounded corners=4pt] (X) {jumped}; over the lazy dog.
Quick brown fox \autour{jumped} over the lazy dog.
Alternative with tcolorbox
A simple adaptation of the code on page 16 of the manual indicated by @CarlaTeX in its commentary.
\newtcbox{\entoure}[1][red]{on line,
before upper={\rule[-3pt]{0pt}{10pt}},boxrule=1pt,
Quick brown fox \entoure{jumped} over the lazy dog.
Quick brown fox \entoure[blue]{jumped} over the lazy dog.
This is a bit similar to AndréC's answer but to point out that there so some extent \tikzmarknode
, which comes with the really cool tikzmark
library, got reinvented. And tikzmark
allows you to do much more, of course.
\section*{Some basic examples}
The quick brown fox \tikzmarknode[draw,inner sep=2pt,rounded corners,fill=cyan!30]{A}{jumped} over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox \tikzmarknode[draw,inner sep=2pt,rounded corners,fill=red!30]{B}{jumped} over the lazy dog.
\section*{Some more elaborate examples}
As it is well known,
\[ \sum\limits_{\tikzmarknode[rounded corners,fill=blue!30,inner sep=1pt]{k1}{k}=1}^\infty
where $\tikzmarknode[rounded corners,fill=blue!30,inner sep=2pt]{k2}{k}$ is a summation index.
\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{\draw[latex-latex] (B) to[bend left] (A);
\draw[latex-latex] (k1) to[bend right] (k2);