How to add custom filter to Active Admin?
Active admin uses metasearch. For example you can do this:
filter :"subscription_billing_plan_name" , :as => :select, :collection =>
Active Admin uses the meta_search gem for its filters. ORed conditions syntax allows to combine several fields in one query, for example
Promo.metasearch(:name_or_address_contains => 'brooklyn')
In Active Admin DSL this translates to
ActiveAdmin.register Promo do
filter :name_or_address, :as => :string
To use a custom filter, you can create a scope function and add it as search_methods in the model.
For example, on my User model:
search_methods :role_eq
scope :role_eq, -> (role) { where("? LIKE ANY(roles)", role) }
Then in users.rb, I can use my scope as a custom filter:
filter :role, label: "Roles", as: :select, collection: %w[ student teacher parent ]