How to add debounce time to an async validator in angular 2?
Keep it simple: no timeout, no delay, no custom Observable
// assign the async validator to a field
// or like this
new FormControl('', [], [ this.uniqueCardAccountValidator() ]);
// subscribe to control.valueChanges and define pipe
uniqueCardAccountValidatorFn(): AsyncValidatorFn {
return control => control.valueChanges
switchMap(value => this.customerService.isCardAccountUnique(value)),
map((unique: boolean) => (unique ? null : {'cardAccountNumberUniquenessViolated': true})),
first()); // important to make observable finite
Angular 4+, Using Observable.timer(debounceTime)
@izupet 's answer is right but it is worth noticing that it is even simpler when you use Observable:
emailAvailability(control: Control) {
return Observable.timer(500).switchMap(()=>{
return this._service.checkEmail({email: control.value})
.catch(err=>Observable.of({availability: true}));
Since angular 4 has been released, if a new value is sent for checking, Angular unsubscribes from Observable
while it's still paused in the timer, so you don't actually need to manage the setTimeout
logic by yourself.
Using timer
and Angular's async validator behavior we have recreated RxJS debounceTime