How to add debounce time to an async validator in angular 2?

Keep it simple: no timeout, no delay, no custom Observable

// assign the async validator to a field
// or like this
new FormControl('', [], [ this.uniqueCardAccountValidator() ]);
// subscribe to control.valueChanges and define pipe
uniqueCardAccountValidatorFn(): AsyncValidatorFn {
  return control => control.valueChanges
      switchMap(value => this.customerService.isCardAccountUnique(value)),
      map((unique: boolean) => (unique ? null : {'cardAccountNumberUniquenessViolated': true})),
      first()); // important to make observable finite

Angular 4+, Using Observable.timer(debounceTime) :

@izupet 's answer is right but it is worth noticing that it is even simpler when you use Observable:

emailAvailability(control: Control) {
    return Observable.timer(500).switchMap(()=>{
      return this._service.checkEmail({email: control.value})
        .catch(err=>Observable.of({availability: true}));

Since angular 4 has been released, if a new value is sent for checking, Angular unsubscribes from Observable while it's still paused in the timer, so you don't actually need to manage the setTimeout/clearTimeout logic by yourself.

Using timer and Angular's async validator behavior we have recreated RxJS debounceTime.