How to add entry in windows "host file" such that it can redirect over https

HTTPS is specifically designed so that you can't do this - not only is one of the core points of SSL/TLS that the conversation be encrypted, it also ensures that you really are talking to who you think you are, that you haven't been redirected to a fake site via DNS.

That's not what the hosts file is for. It's about the hosts that you are referring to. and are hosts.

All the hosts file does is associate a host name with an IP address. Nothing else is possible.

Get a clone of the part you need from the genuine site.. put it on local iis, add ssl binding using self signed certificate and add entry to hosts file. if you are in rush with no time to play with iis mgr use appcmd.

Youll get a not verified warning for untrusted issuer.. add it to trusted root cert authorities.

Never tried self signed cert tho.. let us now how your testinggoes.

