how to add file to git ignore code example

Example 1: git add file to last commit

git add the_left_out_file
git commit --amend --no-edit

Example 2: create gitignore

# creates gitignore file
$ touch .gitignore

Example 3: how to use gitignore to ignore a folder

You can ignore entire directories, just by including their paths and putting a / on the end:


Example 4: how to put files into gitignore

$ echo debug.log >> .gitignore
$ git rm --cached debug.log
rm 'debug.log'
$ git commit -m "Start ignoring debug.log"

Example 5: how to git ignore a file

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

Example 6: git ignore not saving changes

git rm -rf --cached .
git add .