How to add glassfish tools to eclipse oxygen 3a

I found the Solution on the Oracle Website.

There's a Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse:

On this Site there's also the Link to the repository:

In the Eclipse IDE paste this Link in the Work with:-Textfield under Help->Install new Software...

GlassFish Tools are contained in the Oracle Jave EE Tools under Tools.

You need to install Sapphire 9.1.1 before installing the GlassFish Tools.

To install:

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. Click on Help option
  3. Click Install New Software
  4. Work with:
  5. Hit Enter on your keyboard
  6. Select Sapphire
  7. Install
  8. Eclipse should restart after completing the installation process.

Then follow the same steps to install GlassFish but for step 4 use the following link for GlassFish to Work with
