How to add label AFTER drawing a path
One possibility is to use calc
to determine the middle between nodes. You could also use \path
together with, say, midway
\begin{tikzpicture}[darkstyle/.style={circle,fill=black,minimum size=15}]
\pgfmathsetmacro{\scale}{1.5} % Scale of distance between nodes
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\maxDepth}{4} % max depth
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\maxDepthLessOne}{\maxDepth-1} % max depth - 1
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\maxDepthLessTwo}{\maxDepth-2} % max depth - 2
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\halfway}{\maxDepthLessOne/2} % floor((max depth - 1)/2)
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\otherhalfway}{\maxDepthLessOne-\halfway} % ceil((max depth - 1)/2)
% create nodes
\foreach \curDepth in {0,...,\maxDepthLessOne} % current depth
\foreach \pos in {0,...,\curDepth} % horizontal
\node [darkstyle] (node\curDepth\pos) at (\scale*\horPos,\scale*\verPos) {};
% create edges
\foreach \curDepth in {0,...,\maxDepthLessTwo} % current depth
\foreach \pos in {0,...,\curDepth} % horizontal
\draw [->,blue,ultra thick] (node\curDepth\pos)--(node\nextDepth\pos);
\draw [->,red,ultra thick] (node\curDepth\pos)--(node\nextDepth\nextPos);
\node [left=8] at (node20) {testt}; %testt
\node [left=5] at ($(node20)!0.5!(node10)$) {text}; %testt
\path (node11) -- (node22) node[midway,right=5] {text}; %testt
Another option is to use coordinate during creation:
\begin{tikzpicture}[darkstyle/.style={circle,fill=black,minimum size=15}]
\pgfmathsetmacro{\scale}{1.5} % Scale of distance between nodes
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\maxDepth}{4} % max depth
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\maxDepthLessOne}{\maxDepth-1} % max depth - 1
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\maxDepthLessTwo}{\maxDepth-2} % max depth - 2
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\halfway}{\maxDepthLessOne/2} % floor((max depth - 1)/2)
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\otherhalfway}{\maxDepthLessOne-\halfway} % ceil((max depth - 1)/2)
% create nodes
\foreach \curDepth in {0,...,\maxDepthLessOne} % current depth
\foreach \pos in {0,...,\curDepth} % horizontal
\node [darkstyle] (node\curDepth\pos) at (\scale*\horPos,\scale*\verPos) {};
% create edges
\foreach \curDepth in {0,...,\maxDepthLessTwo} % current depth
\foreach \pos in {0,...,\curDepth} % horizontal
\draw [->,blue,ultra thick] (node\curDepth\pos)--(node\nextDepth\pos)coordinate[midway] (ArrowA\curDepth_\pos);
\draw [->,red,ultra thick] (node\curDepth\pos)--(node\nextDepth\nextPos) coordinate[midway] (ArrowB\curDepth_\pos);
\node[left] at (node20) {testt}; %testt
\node [left={of ArrowB1_0}] {\begin{minipage}{1.2cm}Text Added!\end{minipage}};