How to add line numbers in every line using shell command?

The right tool for this job is nl:

nl -w2 -s'> ' file

You may want to tune width option according to the total number of lines in the file (if you want numbers to be aligned nicely).


 1> PSS-A  (Primary A)
 2> PSS-B  (Primary B)
 3> PSS-C  (Primary C)
 4> PSS-D  (Primary D)
 5> PSS-E  (Primary E)
 6> PSS-F  (Primary F)
 7> PSS-G  (Primary G)
 8> PSS-H  (Primary H)
 9> PSS-I  (Primary I)

If you want the same format that you have specified

awk '{print NR  "> " $s}' inputfile > outputfile

otherwise, though not standard, most implementations of the cat command can print line numbers for you (numbers padded to width 6 and followed by TAB in at least the GNU, busybox, Solaris and FreeBSD implementations).

cat -n inputfile > outputfile

Or you can use grep -n (numbers followed by :) with a regexp like ^ that matches any line:

grep -n '^' inputfile > outputfile