how to add local git repo to github code example
Example 1: git to gethub after create repi
Open Terminal.
Change the current working directory to your local project.
Initialize the local directory as a Git repository.
$ git init
Add the files in your new local repository. This stages them for the first commit.
$ git add .
# Adds the files in the local repository and stages them for commit. To unstage a file, use 'git reset HEAD YOUR-FILE'.
Commit the files that you've staged in your local repository.
$ git commit -m "First commit"
# Commits the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository. To remove this commit and modify the file, use 'git reset --soft HEAD~1' and commit and add the file again.
At the top of your GitHub repository's Quick Setup page, click to copy the remote repository URL.
Copy remote repository URL field
In Terminal, add the URL for the remote repository where your local repository will be pushed.
$ git remote add origin remote repository URL
# Sets the new remote
$ git remote -v
# Verifies the new remote URL
Push the changes in your local repository to GitHub.
$ git push -u origin master
# Pushes the changes in your local repository up to the remote repository you specif
Example 2: add github repo
create a new repository on the command line
echo "# {Repo Name}" >>
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main
push an existing repository from the command line
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
Example 3: pushing to github
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"
git push origin master
Example 4: how to upload on github with command
git remote add origin
Example 5: how to push to git hub
Example 6: how to add a repository to github
git & github