How to add ojdbc7 to Java web app by Gradle?

Gradle currently can't handle the redirects needed by the realm-based SSO mechanism used by Oracle's maven repo.

A workaround is to use this URL instead

url ""

In addition, you need to supply credentials for authentication.

Here's a minimal example:

plugins {
  id 'java'

repositories {

    maven {

       url ""

       credentials {
         username = '<Oracle Account email address>'
         password = '<Oracle Account password>'

dependencies {
    compile ''

I have a github repo with full example including a way of encrypting the password using maven's settings.xml and settings-security.xml: example-gradle-oracle

I am adding = after username and password as mentioned in Gradle file

Your build.gradle will work if you replace:

maven {
    url ("")


maven {
    url ""
    name ""
    credentials {
       username '[email protected]'
       password 'your password'

Credetials from Oracle Registration page:


To place authentication data outside of project home, you can edit configuration file ~/.gradle/

[email protected]
mavenOraclePassword=your password

and use it in configuration like:

 credentials {
    username mavenOracleUsername
    password mavenOraclePassword

For Oracle database 12c

(1) Download ojdbc7.jar at Oracle homepage.

(2) Run command

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=ojdbc7.jar -DartifactId=ojdbc7 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar

(3) Add to build.gradle
