How to add parameters to shape which internally use 'append after command'
Now the questions seems to be quite trivial and solution so obvious ... Any way, solution which I use now solve my problem on the following way:
- for
append after command={\pgfextra{\tikzsavelastnodename\tikzsavednodename}},##1
I define as new style namedsaveLNN
(as acronym for save-Last-Node-Name) - to my definition of tcpBOX add this
Complete code is:
\tikzset{TCP/.style = {%
saveLNN/.style = {append after command={%
add text/.style args = {##1:##2}{%
append after command={node[ATnode,anchor=##1]
at (\tikzsavednodename.##1) {##2}}
ATnode/.style = {inner sep=0.5mm,
tcpBOX/.style 2 args = {shape=rectangle,
draw=##1, % border color
fill=##2, % fill collor
thick, inner sep= 2mm, outer sep=0mm, minimum height=11mm,
}% end of tikzset
which gives:
I'm still open for better solution(s).
Just for inner labels
: Let choose the correct anchor for label text and the correct position on node's border and you'll get inner labels.
lblfont/.style={font=\tiny\bfseries\sffamily, inner sep=1pt},
\node[draw=red, fill=gray, minimum height=1cm,
label={[anchor=north, lblfont]label.n}, % north is default anchor
label={[anchor=north east, lblfont]north},
label={[anchor=south west, lblfont]south west:label.sw},
] {Some main text};