how to add two orderBy in firebase code example

Example 1: orderBy firebase angular

import { map, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

public allProducts: Observable<any[]>;
 public amazonCollection: AngularFirestoreCollection;  

this.amazonCollection = this.afs.collection('amazon', (ref) =>
    this.allProducts = this.amazonCollection.snapshotChanges().pipe(
      map((actions) => {
        return => {
          return { id:, };

Example 2: multiple query at once in firebase

function doSomething(...){
    let result1 = [];
    let result2 = [];
    admin.firestore().collection('...').where('some condition').get()
    .then((results: any)=>{
        results.forEach((element: any)=>{
            if(some other condition){
    .catch((error: any)=>{//log the error});
    admin.firestore().collection('...').where('yet another condition').orderBy(...).get()
    .then((results: any)=>{
        results.forEach((element: any)=>{
            result2.push(func(element))  //func is some manipulation
    .catch((error: any)=>{//log the error});
    return makeCalculation(result1, result2);