How to allow line break in a long hyperlink in a PDF compiled by latex-dvips-ps2pdf?

Try this.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me
at \url{mailto:[email protected]}.

With \href, you need to use \nolinkurl in the second argument.

\href{mailto:[email protected]}{\nolinkurl{[email protected]}}

Even with the help of the breakurl package, your example will produce overfull boxes. This is because breakurl will only break urls after one of the following symbols :/.?#&_,;! and before any ocurrence of the symbol %.

To overcome this you have two possibilities: to use \sloppy (which will make the spacing look really awful) or to manually insert some spaces in the appropriate places to help the package find a proper break-point for the urls.

In the following example I show a reduced version of your example with three variants: the first one shows the default output obtained with breakurl; in the second one, I manually inserted some \hspaces, and in the third one I used \sloppy. It's up to you to decide which of the two last approaches looks less ugly and is more practical.

I used draft to see the overfull boxes more clearly. The code must be compiled through latex.


\hypersetup{pdfborder={0 0 100}}

\def\emailA{\url{[email protected]}\ }
\def\emailB{\url{[email protected]}\ }

The example:

\emailA or \emailB or \emailB or \emailA or
\emailA or \emailB or \emailB or \emailA or 
\emailA or \emailB or \emailB


The example with \verb+\hspace+s manually inserted: 

\hspace*{-4pt}\emailA or \emailB or \emailB or \emailA\hspace{3pt} or\hspace{4pt} 
\emailA or \emailB or \emailB or \emailA or 
\emailA or \emailB\hspace{3pt} or\hspace{3pt} \emailB


The example with \verb+\sloppy+: 

\emailA or \emailB or \emailB or \emailA or
\emailA or \emailB or \emailB or \emailA or 
\emailA or \emailB or \emailB\par


I finally found a solution, that might be of interest to all the ones having problems with displaying long URLs in LaTeX: I had a little chat with Vilar (the maintainer of the breakurl-package) and he was able to extend the breaking possibilities of his package they way I suggested.

Therefore the new option anythingbreaks in the newest version does the links look good as they keep in range of the textborder.

See for yourself:

Completely without:


Standard behavior:



option anythingbreaks

Look also at my question here: Biblatex: URL-breaking not working in DVI-mode