How to allow only one product in a cart?

The events catalog_product_type_prepare_full_options and catalog_product_type_prepare_lite_options are your friends

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Then in your Observer class


class Fooman_Example_Model_Observer
    public function catalogProductTypePrepare($observer)
        $quote = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote();
            Mage::throwException('You can only buy one product at a time.');

Instead of rewriting a controller (please oh please don't do that), rather, rewrite the addProduct method to account for the limit:

class YourCompany_YourModule_Model_Cart extends Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart
    public function addProduct($productInfo, $requestInfo=null){
            Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('checkout')->__('Cannot add item - cart quantity would exceed checkout the limit of %s per person.', 1));
        parent::addProduct($productInfo, $requestInfo);

If you want to get fancy, replace the 1 above with Mage::getStoreConfig('checkout/options/max_cart_qty) and set the following your module's config.xml:


That value is now controlled via the XML value. If you want to get really, really fancy, add this to the system.xml of your new module:

                        <max_cart_qty translate="label">
                            <label>Maximum Quantity Allowed in Cart (total qty)</label>

Remember that you need to set a <depends>Mage_Checkout</depends> to your module in order to piggyback on its' predefined system configuration.

A possible way is to rewrite the addAction of Mage_Checkout_CartController.

So check if there is already a product in cart and if yes show an appropriate error message. If not you can call the parent method which is doing the complete add-process:

    if (count($this->_getCart()->getProductIds()) > 0) {
    } else {