How to append or prepend an element to a tuple in Scala
It's worth noting that you can also write a code generator for this in a few lines:
val tupadd = for (n <- 2 to 20) yield {
val t = (0 until n).map(i => ('A'+i).toChar).mkString(", ")
val u = ('A'+n).toChar
val i = (0 until n).map(i => "x._"+(i+1)).mkString(", ")
s"implicit class TupOps$n[$t](val x: ($t)) extends AnyVal {",
s" def :+[$u](y: $u) = ($i, y)",
s" def +:[$u](y: $u) = (y, $i)",
Print these out, stick 'em in a file, and you're good to go:
scala> implicit class TupOps2[A, B](val x: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {
| def :+[C](y: C) = (x._1, x._2, y)
| def +:[C](y: C) = (y, x._1, x._2)
| }
defined class TupOps2
scala> (1,"salmon") :+ true
res15: (Int, String, Boolean) = (1,salmon,true)
I found a solution with the help of the awesome Shapeless library and it's HList
Define an implicit class to add the methods
It accepts any tuple as we have typed it as Product
implicit class TupleOps[A <: Product](t: A) {
Declare the method to append
B - The type of element we want to append
L - The HList representing the tuple A
P - The HList after appending B
R - The final result
def :+[B, L <: HList, P <: HList, R <: Product](b: B)(
We need some tools to help with the conversion
hlister - Converts a tuple into an HList
prepend - Can prepend one HList before another
tupler - Can convert an HList into a tuple
implicit hlister: HListerAux[A, L], prepend: PrependAux[L, B :: HNil, P], tupler: TuplerAux[P, R]):R =
// Let the helpers do their job
tupler(prepend(hlister(t), b :: HNil))
The prepend method is similar to the append method but does not require
the extra effort to append
def +:[B, L <: HList, R <: Product](b: B)(
// Here we use the :: type of shapeless
implicit hlister: HListerAux[A, L], tupler: TuplerAux[B :: L, R]):R =
tupler(b :: hlister(t))
// usage is like this
("", 1, 1f) :+ 1d //> res0: (String, Int, Float, Double) = ("",1,1.0,1.0)
1d +: ("", 1, 1f) //> res1: (Double, String, Int, Float) = (1.0,"",1,1.0)
In some cases, where you need to deal with implicit conversions this solution will not work in combination with case classes. I now reverted to the following implementation (based on the code of Rex Kerr)
def char(n: Int) = ('A' + n).toChar
def prop(n: Int) = "t._" + (n + 1)
val result =
for (n <- 1 to 21) yield {
val range = (0 until n)
val tupleTypeParams = range map char mkString ", "
val tupleProperties = range map prop mkString ", "
val elementType = char(n)
val elementProperty = prop(n)
val first = n == 1
val tupleType = if (first) s"Tuple1[$tupleTypeParams]" else s"($tupleTypeParams)"
val tupleInstance = if (first) s"Tuple1($tupleProperties)" else s"($tupleProperties)"
val resultType = s"($tupleTypeParams, $elementType)"
s"""|implicit def tupleOps$n[$tupleTypeParams, $elementType] =
| new TupleAppendOps[$tupleType, $elementType, $resultType] {
| def append(t: $tupleType, e: $elementType) = ($tupleProperties, e)
| def init(t: $resultType) = $tupleInstance
| def last(t: $resultType) = $elementProperty
| }""".stripMargin
println(result mkString "\n")
Shapeless now does it. Adding
import shapeless.syntax.std.tuple._
before your code just compiles.