How to apply multiple template bindings on one element in angular

Can't use two template binding on one element in Angular 2 (like *ngIf and *ngFor). But you can achieve the same by wrapping the element with a span or any other element. It is good to append with an <ng-container> as it is a logical container and it will not get append to the DOM. For example,

<ng-container *ngIf="condition">
    <li *ngFor="let item of items">

You can use the following (expanded version) to preserve the document structure (e.g. for your css selectors):

<template [ngIf]="itsNotF && itsNotF.length">
    <div [ngClass]="{bgDFF: !colps[j],'list-group-item':true}" *ngFor="let valm1 of itsNotF;let j=index;" (click)="togFltr(j)" style="padding: 0;background: #fff">

Put your *ngIf in a parent div, and the *ngFor can stay where it is.

For example:

<div *ngIf="itsNotF && itsNotF.length">
    <div [ngClass]="{bgDFF: !colps[j],'list-group-item':true}" *ngFor="let valm1 of itsNotF;let j=index;" (click)="togFltr(j)" style="padding: 0;background: #fff">