How to apply plugin to only one flavor in gradle?

I simply used apply plugin: '' inside the flavor in app level build.gradle and it works just fine.

productFlavors {
    ..... your other flavors ....
    yourFlv {
        apply plugin: ''

No extra step needed.

  1. Define variable - def fl
  2. Initialize variable in you Flavours (and/or builds)

        productFlavors {
                freeFlavour {
                    fl = "free"
                paidFlavour {
                    fl = "paid"
  3. Use if statement -

    if (fl == "free") { apply plugin: something }

Tried different solutions, but none of them worked for me. This is what I came up with and seems to work as far as I tested:


productFlavors {
    someFlavorWithGoogleGcm {
        dimension "type"
        applicationId "com.example.withGcm"
        ext.useGoogleGcm = true
    someFlavorWithoutGoogleGcm {
        dimension "type"
        applicationId "com.example.withoutGcm"

And outside the configuration, inside the build.gradle file:

android.productFlavors.each { flavor ->
    if (getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString().toLowerCase().contains( && flavor.ext.useGoogleGcm) {
        println("Building flavor with Google GCM [${}] - applying plugin")
        apply plugin: ''

Use this code:

if (!getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests()
    apply plugin: ''

getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString() returns something like [DefaultTaskExecutionRequest{args=[:app:generateDevelopDebugSources],projectPath='null'}] so as stated in the comments Develop must start with an uppercase.