How to assign EIP to Autoscaling Group of VPC in Cloudformation template

Here is simple bash script:

# Region in Which instance is running

#Instance ID captured through Instance meta data
InstanceID=`/usr/bin/curl -s`

#Elastic IP captured through the EIP instance tag
Elastic_IP=`/opt/aws/apitools/ec2/bin/ec2-describe-tags -O $AWS_ACCESS_KEY -W $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --filter resource-id=$InstanceID --filter key='EIP' | cut -f5`
Allocate_ID=`/opt/aws/apitools/ec2/bin/ec2-describe-tags -O $AWS_ACCESS_KEY -W $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --filter resource-id=$InstanceID --filter key="AllocationID" | cut -f5`

#Assigning Elastic IP to Instance
aws ec2 associate-address --instance-id $InstanceID --allocation-id $Allocate_ID

In my case, I needed to keep a bank of unassigned EIPs and randomly assign them to the EC2 when they boot. That way I always know my servers will be using a specific list of IPs that I can whitelist in other places.

If you create several EIPs named "prod-pool" you can then use this script.

apt install -y jq awscli
ALLOCATION_ID=`aws ec2 describe-addresses --filters="Name=tag:Name,Values=prod-pool" | jq -r '.Addresses[] | "\(.InstanceId) \(.AllocationId)"' | grep null | awk '{print $2}' | xargs shuf -n1 -e`

if [ ! -z $ALLOCATION_ID ]; then
    aws ec2 associate-address --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID --allocation-id $ALLOCATION_ID --allow-reassociation

You can attached this policy to your IAM user

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "AllowEIPAttachment",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
      "Action": [

You need to explicitly associate the Elastic IP address with your desired EC2 instance. You can do this in a userdata script at launch time, or externally through other scripting or Configuration Management.

PropagateAtLaunch simply propagates tags from the Auto Scaling Group to any instances that are launched as a result of Auto Scaling actions. I'm not aware of any magic that would cause a tagged Elastic IP address to be associated with a launched instance.

See more discussion and examples of launch time scripting with EIPs here.