How to automatically add properties to an object that is undefined?

You can use the Logical nullish assignment (??=):

var test = {};
(test.hello ??= {}).world ??= "Hello doesn't exist!";

var test = {};
test.hello = test.hello || {}; = "Hello world!";

If test.hello is undefined, it gets set to an empty object.

If test.hello was previously defined, it stays unchanged.

var test = {
  hello : {
    foobar : "Hello foobar"

test.hello = test.hello || {}; = "Hello World";

console.log(test.hello.foobar); // this is still defined;
console.log(; // as is this.

New object

myObj = {};

recursive function

function addProps(obj, arr, val) {

    if (typeof arr == 'string')
        arr = arr.split(".");

    obj[arr[0]] = obj[arr[0]] || {};

    var tmpObj = obj[arr[0]];

    if (arr.length > 1) {
        addProps(tmpObj, arr, val);
        obj[arr[0]] = val;

    return obj;


Call it with a dot notated string

addProps(myObj, 'sub1.sub2.propA', 1);

or with an array

addProps(myObj, ['sub1', 'sub2', 'propA'], 1);

and your object will look like this

myObj = {
  "sub1": {
    "sub2": {
      "propA": 1

It works with non-empty objects too!

