How to backup Amazon RDS MS SQL Server database instance and restore locally

You cant currently create a .bak file out of amazon rds. The way I handle this is to use the azure migration wizard which just happens to also work with amazon rds.

I spin up a EC2 instance with SQL Server and the migration wizard installed. I then use the migration tool to copy the RDS database to the ec2 instance.

once that is done you can create a .bak file from the SQL Server running on the EC2 instance. its a pain but it works. if you have the bandwidth or your database is small you may be able to use the migration tool directly on your target machine.

You can now get a bak file out into S3. Here are the instructions:

Here's a quick snippet that'll generate a backup:

exec msdb.dbo.rds_backup_database 

Before this feature, I could get a bacpac out that worked well in my case. In SSMS, right-click the database > Tasks > Export Data-tier Application.

I was able to import this onto my server without any issues.

You can create a backup locally from AWS RDS. Using SQL Management Studio, right-click your database > Task > Export Data

You just have to choose the right "Data Source", e.g. "SQL Server Native 11" for both, the source and destination.

It is well described in AWS documentation page:

Section: "SQL Server Import and Export Wizard"