How to best integrate Emacs and Cygwin?

I tend to use the native version of emacs on windows in conjunction with the (also native) ports of gnu utils, which are much faster, though less complete, than the Cygwin ones.

Then I just use a cygwin window for the bash shell and the things that are missing.

Use the Emacs in Cygwin. Not XEmacs..Emacs. I just install everything from Cygwin and type the following to run Emacs:

XWin -multiwindow
export DISPLAY=:0.0

It may also help to create a link to your C drive (or any other drive) like so:

ln -s /cygdrive/c /c

I've been using this for several months and it always works well. I constantly use advanced features like TRAMP and subversion without any issues. All advanced packages like cedet just work.

If you hadn't noticed, I am the original poster. After all of my research and attempts, this one worked and I am VERY PLEASED. Good job Cygwin!

Also, I recommend not using shell within Emacs. Utilities like top just don't seem to work. Instead, use MinTTY and screen. Cygwin gives you ssh directly in MinTTY (you don't need putty). The best part is that a lot of my Linux knowledge works seamlessly in Windows.

The best solution must be cygwin emacs-w32. It using win32 native gui, and using cygswin POSIX system. That means you have a windows native gui program and all the cygwin path, shell working.

Installation is very easy: setup.exe --> emacs-w32. Now the version number is:

So good.

A fourth choice is to run emacs in one of Cygwin's alternative terminals: (u)rxvt, mintty, xterm. These all offer much better terminal emulation than the console, which means a much improved emacs experience.



