How to break outer loops from inner structures that respond break (loops/switch)

Label the loop as outerLoop and whenever needed user break Label: i.e. break outerLoop in our case.

outerLoop: for indexValue in 0..<arr.count-1 {
            if arr[indexValue] > arr[indexValue+1] {
                break outerLoop

Swift allows for labeled statements. Using a labeled statement, you can specify which which control structure you want to break from no matter how deeply you nest your loops (although, generally, less nesting is better from a readability standpoint). This also works for continue.


outerLoop: while someCondition {
    if someOtherCondition {
        switch (someValue) {
            case 0:     // do something
            case 1:     break outerLoop // exit loop
            case 2...5: // do something else
            default:    break
    } else {
        someCondition = false