How to build a compile-time key/value store?

In C++11:

template <int kk, int vv>
struct kv
    static const int k = kk, v = vv;

template <int dflt, typename...>
struct ct_map;

template <int dflt>
struct ct_map<dflt>
    struct get
        static const int val = dflt;

template<int dflt, int k, int v, typename... rest>
struct ct_map<dflt, kv<k, v>, rest...>
    template<int kk>
    struct get
        static const int val =
            (kk == k) ?
            v :
            ct_map<dflt, rest...>::template get<kk>::val;

typedef ct_map<42, kv<10, 20>, kv<11, 21>, kv<23, 7>> mymap;

#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::cout << mymap::get<10>::val << std::endl;
    std::cout << mymap::get<11>::val << std::endl;
    std::cout << mymap::get<23>::val << std::endl;
    std::cout << mymap::get<33>::val << std::endl;

You can use template specialization

template <char key>
struct Map;

template <char key>
struct Map { static const int value = -1; }; // not exists node

template <> struct Map< 'A' > { static const int value = 1; }; // 'A' -> 1
template <> struct Map< 'B' > { static const int value = 2; }; // 'B' -> 2
// ....

int lookup = Map<'B'>::value; // = 2

You can avail yourself of some macros to simplify the definition of content.

Something like this would work:

template<int Key>
struct StaticMap {
  static const int Value = 0;

struct StaticMap<1> {
  static const int Value = 3;

int main()
  cout << StaticMap<0>::Value << ", " 
       << StaticMap<1>::Value << ", "
       << StaticMap<2>::Value << endl;

0 is the default value, and a key of 1 gives a value of 3. Add additional specializations as needed.

Is this the general idea of what you're looking for? It's not the interface you requested, although preprocessor macros (such as Boost.Preprocessor) could streamline and simplify setting it up.