How to bulk insert a CSV file into SQLite C#

Addressing the last part of your question:

Perhaps somebody knows the much simpler thing: how to do bulk inserts of CSV files into SQLite...

Given you need to import a few thousand (or a cpl of million) records into sqlite from a CSV file,
When there is no direct support for csv data import via the select or insert commands,
And the iterative row by row reading & inserting is not performant
Then a practical alternative is to use the "sqlite?.exe" & the import command via shell execute from your c# code.


Process proc = new Process {
    StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo {
        FileName = @"loadcsvtosqlite.bat",
        Arguments = @"",
        UseShellExecute = true,
        RedirectStandardOutput = false,
        CreateNoWindow = true


sqlite3.exe "db name" < loadcsv.sql


drop table if exists <table name>;
create table <table name> (field1 datatype, field2 datatype ....);
.separator ","
.import <csv file name> <table name>

You can use any of a number of tools to migrate data from a .csv file to a database, including:

  • SQL Workbench, using the WbCopy command
  • an ETL tool, like Pentaho Data Integration
  • DDLUtils

Note: the first and third solution require that you access the .csv file through a jdbc interface.

All of these will allow you to tweak the migration process to some degree (e.g. batch size) and all of them assume you want to do the migration manually, rather than from running C# code (which would complicate things a bit).

try this -Import/Export CSV from SQLite from C# code

you can create OleDbConnection to CSV file (just google it, it is very easy) then load rows to DataSet, then put that dataset into Sqlite by SqliteConnection. Few lines of code.