How to bypass CSRF validation for certain requests like payment gateway webhook?

You can add a formKey to your request.

Magento checks in the validateRequest function at Magento\Framework\App\Request\CsrfValidator if the request is intance of CsrfAwareActionInterface, not a post request, ajax or has a valide formKey:

private function validateRequest(
        HttpRequest $request,
        ActionInterface $action
    ): bool {
        $valid = null;
        if ($action instanceof CsrfAwareActionInterface) {
            $valid = $action->validateForCsrf($request);
        if ($valid === null) {
            $valid = !$request->isPost()
                || $request->isAjax()
                || $this->formKeyValidator->validate($request);

        return $valid;

You can inject Magento\Framework\Data\Form\FormKey and add to your request, something like this:

 $requestUrl .= '?form_key=' . $this->formKey->getFormKey();