How to calculate CheckSum in FIX manually?

Ready-to-run C example adapted from here


#include <stdio.h>

void GenerateCheckSum( char *buf, long bufLen )
        unsigned sum = 0;
        long i;
        for( i = 0L; i < bufLen; i++ )
            unsigned val = (unsigned)buf[i];
            sum += val;
            printf("Char: %02c Val: %3u\n", buf[i], val); // print value of each byte
        printf("CheckSum = %03d\n", (unsigned)( sum % 256 ) ); // print result

int main()
    char msg[] = "8=FIX.4.2\0019=49\00135=5\00134=1\00149=ARCA\00152=20150916-04:14:05.306\00156=TW\001";
    int len = sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]);
    GenerateCheckSum(msg, len);

Points to Note

  • GenerateCheckSum takes the entire FIX message except CheckSum field
  • Delimiter SOH is written as \001 which has ASCII value 1

You need to sum every byte in the message up to but not including the checksum field. Then take this number modulo 256, and print it as a number of 3 characters with leading zeroes (e.g. checksum=13 would become 013).

Link from the FIX wiki: FIX checksum

An example implementation in C, taken from

char *GenerateCheckSum( char *buf, long bufLen )
    static char tmpBuf[ 4 ];
    long idx;
    unsigned int cks;

    for( idx = 0L, cks = 0; idx < bufLen; cks += (unsigned int)buf[ idx++ ] );
    sprintf( tmpBuf, "%03d", (unsigned int)( cks % 256 ) );
    return( tmpBuf );   