How to call a php function from ajax?

You cannot call a PHP function directly from an AJAX request, but you can do this instead:

<? php 
    function test($data){
        return $data+1;

    if (isset($_POST['callFunc1'])) {
        echo test($_POST['callFunc1']);
        url: 'myFunctions.php',
        type: 'post',
        data: { "callFunc1": "1"},
        success: function(response) { console.log(response); }

As a structure for this kind of purposes, I suggest this:


        if ($_POST['action'] == "function1") { func1(); }
        if ($_POST['action'] == "function2") { func2(); }
        if ($_POST['action'] == "function3") { func3(); }
        if ($_POST['action'] == "function4") { func4(); }

    function func1(){
        //Do something here
        echo 'test';


var data = { action: 'function1' };

$.post(ajaxUrl, data, function(response) {
    if(response != "") {
        alert('Error, Please try again.');

As mentioned, you can't call a PHP function directly from an AJAX call.

For AJAX request

  1. Include jQuery Library in your web page. For e.g.

    <script src=""></script>
  2. Call a function on button click

    <button type="button" onclick="create()">Click Me</button>
  3. While click on button, call create function in JavaScript.

        function create () {
                url:"test.php",    //the page containing php script
                type: "post",    //request type,
                dataType: 'json',
                data: {registration: "success", name: "xyz", email: "[email protected]"},

On the server side test.php file, the action POST parameter should be read and the corresponding value and do the action in PHP and return in JSON format e.g.

$registration = $_POST['registration'];
$name= $_POST['name'];
$email= $_POST['email'];

if ($registration == "success"){
    // some action goes here under php
    echo json_encode(array("abc"=>'successfuly registered'));


