How to call a powershell function within the script from Start-Job?

Background jobs are run in a seperate process, so the jobs you create with Start-Job can not interact with functions unless you include them in the $scriptblock.

Even if you included the function in the $scripblock, Write-Host would not output it's content to the console until you used Get-Job | Receive-Job to recieve the jobs result.

EDIT The problem is that your DisplayMessage function is in a local script-scope while your eventhandler runs in a different parent scope(like global which is the session scope), so it can't find your function. If you create the function in the global scope and call it from the global scope, it will work.

I've modified your script to do this now. I've also modified to scriptblock and unregistered the events when the script is done so you won't get 10x messages when you run the script multiple times :-)


function DoWork
  $event = Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier NewMessage -Action {
      global:DisplayMessage $event.MessageData

  $scriptBlock =  {

    Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier NewMessage -Forward

    $message = "Starting work $args"
    $null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier NewMessage -MessageData $message

    ### DO SOME WORK HERE ###

    $message = "Ending work $args"
    $null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier NewMessage -MessageData $message

    Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier NewMessage

  DisplayMessage("Processing Starts")

  $array = @(1,2,3)
  foreach ($a in $array)
      Start-Job -Name "DoActualWork" $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $a | Out-Null

  #$jobs = Get-Job -Name "DoActualWork"
  While (Get-Job -Name "DoActualWork" | where { $_.State -eq "Running" } )
      Start-Sleep 1

  DisplayMessage("Processing Ends")

  #Get-Job -Name "DoActualWork" | Receive-Job

function global:DisplayMessage([string]$message)
    Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Red


Get-EventSubscriber | Unregister-Event


PS > .\Untitled1.ps1
Processing Starts
Starting work 1
Starting work 2
Ending work 1
Ending work 2
Starting work 3
Ending work 3
Processing Ends

An easy way to include local functions in a background job:

function DoWork {$function:DoWork}

Start-Job -Name "DoActualWork" $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $array -InitializationScript $init | Out-Null