how to call different jquery actions in responsive design

I messed around with some libraries and stuff and ended up using this kind of responsive listener. It uses CSS media queries for breakpoints and UnderscoreJS for a throttler. The advantage I see is that the breakpoints are all defined in CSS instead of fragmented around various scripts.

Example CSS @media breakpoints using :after on the body:

body:after {
    content: 'widescreen';
    display: none;
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px){
    body:after {
        content: "extra-large";
@media screen and (max-width: 768px){
    body:after {
        content: "large";
@media screen and (max-width: 640px){
    body:after {
        content: "medium";
@media screen and (max-width: 480px){
    body:after {
        content: "small";
@media screen and (max-width: 320px){
    body:after {
        content: "tiny";

Example listener script waiting to fire based on content of body:after. As you can see it's defined as 2 ranges in this example for show/hide/move/create widgets based on device generality:

<script type ="text/javascript">
    var size = window.getComputedStyle(document.body,':after').content.replace(/"|'/g, ''),
        mobile = ["tiny", "small", "medium", "large"].indexOf(size),
        desktop = ["extra-large", "widescreen"].indexOf(size);

    $('.placehold').html('computed breakpoint: ' + size + '<br />mobile index = ' + mobile + '<br />desktop index = ' + desktop);

    if (mobile != -1) {
        $('.placehold2').html('mobile range');
    } else if (desktop != -1) {
        $('.placehold2').html('desktop range');
}, 100)).trigger('resize');
</script> - Just resize the output pane in jsfiddle to test it out.

EDIT: Apparently browsers render the :after contents via window.getComputedStyle(document.body,':after').content differently and insert either single or double quotes. Added a replace to scrub them out.

$('#selector').click(function() {
    if (parseInt($(window).width()) < 320) {

If you are targeting modern browsers (IE10 upwards, and not IE mobile), then you should use the new window.matchMedia() method, as discrepancies between all the various browsers as to how they measure scrollbar width means that if you use for example window.width(), there will be a small range of pixels where the CSS behaves differently to the JS (I found this out the hard way).

This article goes in to further details:

Use something like the following so that your JS and CSS work on exactly the same breakpoints:

if (window.matchMedia("(min-width: 400px)").matches) {
  /* the viewport is at least 400 pixels wide, write code specific for that */
} else {
  /* the viewport is less than 400 pixels wide, write code specific for that */

The Mozilla Developer Network has documented this here:

You can just create your own breakpoints in JS. Something like this. Adjust to your needs.

var isBreakPoint = function (bp) {
    var bps = [320, 480, 768, 1024],
        w = $(window).width(),
        min, max
    for (var i = 0, l = bps.length; i < l; i++) {
      if (bps[i] === bp) {
        min = bps[i-1] || 0
        max = bps[i]
    return w > min && w <= max

// Usage
if (isBreakPoint(480)) { ... } // Breakpoint between 320 and 480