How to call the overridden method of a superclass?

Here you will have an option to choose which method do you want to invoke:

public class Cat extends Animal {

    public void superEat() {;

    public void superDrink() {

    public void eat() {
        System.out.println("Cat Eats");

    public void drink() {
        System.out.println("Cat Drinks");

This line:

Animal myAnimal = myCat;

assigns the variable myAnimal to the object myCat, which you've created before. So when you call after that, you're actually calling the method of the original myCat object, which outputs Cat Eats.

If you want to output Animal Eats, you'll have to assign an Animal instance to a variable. So if you would do this instead:

Animal myAnimal = new Animal()

the variable myAnimal will be an instance of Animal, and thus will overwrite the previous assignment to Cat.

If you will call after this, you're actually calling the eat() method of the Animal instance you've created, which will output Animal Eats.

Concluding: your code should read:

public class Cat extends Animal {

    public void eat() {
        System.out.println("Cat Eats");

    public void drink() {
        System.out.println("Cat Drinks");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Cat myCat = new Cat();;

        Animal myAnimal = new Animal();       ;

You cannot do what you want. The way polymorphism works is by doing what you are seeing.

Basically a cat always knows it is a cat and will always behave like a cat regardless of if you treat is as a Cat, Felis, Felinae, Felidae, Feliformia, Carnivora, Theria, Mammalia, Vertebrata, Chordata, Eumetazoa, Animalia, Animal, Object, or anything else :-)