How to catch all exceptions in Flex?
There is a bug/feature request for this in the Adobe bug management system. Vote for it if it's important to you.
There is no way to be notified on uncaught exceptions in Flex 3. Adobe are aware of the problem but I don't know if they plan on creating a workaround.
The only solution as it stands is to put try/catch in logical places and make sure you are listening to the ERROR (or FAULT for webservices) event for anything that dispatches them.
Edit: Furthermore, it's actually impossible to catch an error thrown from an event handler. I have logged a bug on the Adobe Bug System.
Update 2010-01-12: Global error handling is now supported in Flash 10.1 and AIR 2.0 (both in beta), and is achieved by subscribing the UNCAUGHT_ERROR event of LoaderInfo.uncaughtErrorEvents. The following code is taken from the code sample on livedocs:
public class UncaughtErrorEventExample extends Sprite
public function UncaughtErrorEventExample()
UncaughtErrorEvent.UNCAUGHT_ERROR, uncaughtErrorHandler);
private function uncaughtErrorHandler(event:UncaughtErrorEvent):void
if (event.error is Error)
var error:Error = event.error as Error;
// do something with the error
else if (event.error is ErrorEvent)
var errorEvent:ErrorEvent = event.error as ErrorEvent;
// do something with the error
// a non-Error, non-ErrorEvent type was thrown and uncaught