How to change a Windows username using the command prompt?
You can use wmic for this. The command is:
wmic useraccount where name='currentname' rename newname
Example, if your username is "user" and you want to rename to "person" the following command would be used.
wmic useraccount where name='user' rename person
Please note, you need administrative privileges to use this command, so make sure you start your command prompt using run as administrator
EDIT: suddenly you mention in the comments that you do NOT want to change the Username, but the Full Name instead.
The command for that is here:
wmic useraccount where fullname='currentname' rename newname
You can substitute fullname or name for any of the following:
AccountType Description Disabled Domain FullName InstallDate LocalAccount Lockout Name PasswordChangeable PasswordExpires PasswordRequired SID SIDType Status
You can use the following command to see a list of all users with all their settings:
wmic useraccount list
The following will do what you want:
net user JDoe /fullname:"John Doe"