How to change DBeaver timezone / How to stop DBeaver from converting date and time
I found another solution:
file in DBeaver root directory.
Open the file:
# START: change jre version, not using the one in %JAVA_HOME%
# JVM settings
# time zone
# language
DBeaver uses the time in the computer that is installed, so changing the clock and restarting DBeaver works. But there is a way to do it only for DBeaver instead.
- Close DBeaver.
Go to the DBeaver shortcut. Probably it is here:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DBeaver
Right-click on it, choose Properties and in the Target box add
-vmargs -Duser.timezone=UTC
to the end, resulting in something like this:"C:\Program Files\DBeaver\dbeaver.exe" -vmargs -Duser.timezone=UTC
Start DBeaver and the times now appear in UTC.
I think it was fixed in some previous release.
Just go to Settings -> Editors -> Data Formats and select 'Use native date/time format' checkbox.