How to change font size of longtable-lines without changing font size of caption?

Since you are using a KOMA-Script document class you can simply use \setkomafont or \addtokomafont to set the size of the caption(s):

\usepackage{longtable, booktabs}



\caption{This is the caption of the table which shall be normal size!}\\
aaaaaaa & bbbbbb & ccccccccc\\
 a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\


For other document classes one can include the caption package. Simply including is sufficient since \normalsize is the default caption size here (at least since version 3.1):

\usepackage{longtable, booktabs}



\caption{This is the caption of the table which shall be normal size!}\\
aaaaaaa & bbbbbb & ccccccccc\\
 a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\


If someone is not using a KOMA-Script document class, but don't want to use the caption package either, one can give the ltcaption package a try which is part of the caption package bundle but patches the captioning stuff for longtables only:

\usepackage{longtable, booktabs}

% The ltcaption package supports \CaptionLabelFont & \CaptionTextFont
% introduced by the NTG document classes


\caption{This is the caption of the table which shall be normal size!}\\
aaaaaaa & bbbbbb & ccccccccc\\
 a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\


You can modify the definition of \LT@makecaption in such a way that it uses \normalsize; since you are using scrbook one has to use its definition. I'll define a new environment that will make things easier.

\usepackage{longtable, booktabs,etoolbox}

      \LT@mcol\LT@cols c{%
        \hbox to\z@{\normalsize\hss\parbox[t]\linewidth{%

\caption{This is the caption of the table which shall be normal size!}\\ 
aaaaaaa & bbbbbb & ccccccccc\\  
 a & b & c\\  
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\  
a & b & c\\  
a & b & c\\  
a & b & c\\  

\caption{This is the caption of the table which shall be normal size!}\\ 
aaaaaaa & bbbbbb & ccccccccc\\  
 a & b & c\\  
a & b & c\\
a & b & c\\  
a & b & c\\  
a & b & c\\  
a & b & c\\  

The syntax of the longtable* environment is simple: it takes as argument the desired size of the table's body; the usual argument to longtable follows. I've left the two examples to show the difference.

You can do global change by keeping the following three lines in the preamble:

\usepackage[font=normalsize]{caption}     %% make caption in normal size
\AtBeginEnvironment{longtabu}{\footnotesize}{}{}   %% change all longtabu content to foot note size

as answered by Harish Kumar here in this question