How to change job/stage description in web UI?

You can use the following API(s) to set and unset the stage names.

Also, Spark supports the concept of Job Groups within the application, following API(s) can be used to set and unset the job group names.

The job description within the job group can also be configured using following API.

That's where one of the very uncommon features of Spark Core called local properties applies so well.

Spark SQL uses it to group different Spark jobs under a single structured query so you can use SQL tab and navigate easily.

You can control local properties using SparkContext.setLocalProperty:

Set a local property that affects jobs submitted from this thread, such as the Spark fair scheduler pool. User-defined properties may also be set here. These properties are propagated through to worker tasks and can be accessed there via org.apache.spark.TaskContext#getLocalProperty.

web UI uses two local properties:

  • callSite.short in Jobs tab (and is exactly what you want)
  • callSite.long in Job Details page.

Sample Usage

scala> sc.setLocalProperty("callSite.short", "callSite.short")

scala> sc.setLocalProperty("callSite.long", "this is callSite.long")

scala> sc.parallelize(0 to 9).count
res2: Long = 10

And the result in web UI.

Jobs tab in web UI with callSite.short

Click a job to see the details where you can find the longer call site, i.e. callSite.long.

Job details in web UI with callSite.long

Here comes the Stages tab.

Stages tab in web UI


Apache Spark