how to change session id after login in

This is a really old question I'm resurrecting, but here's the solution:

var manager = new SessionIDManager();
bool redirected, isAdded;
    "5vonjb4mtb1of2fxvhjvkh5d", out redirected, out isAdded);

// sessionId now equals "5vonjb4mtb1of2fxvhjvkh5d"
var sessionId = Session.SessionID;

I have answered a similar question at Generating a new ASP.NET session in the current HTTPContext. Basically we must change some of the SessionStateModule internal state to be able to regenerate session ID without losing objects in the Session. I used reflection to set the _rqId field to the new ID and _rqSessionStateNotFound to true. The downside is we must grant "Full Trust" to the Application.

Here's a blog post that talks about this:

ASP.NET does not directly support functionality to regenerate a session ID. See the documentation regarding the issue here. There is a not-so quick and dirty way to do it by setting the ASPNET_SessionID value to the empty string and redirecting so that the value is regenerated.